JKS is nationwide

JKS covers the entire country - and more. In addition to the industry's largest network of local branches, we also offer specialized departments in transportation, metal, kitchen/canteen, and international workforce. We have special units for recruitment and freelance specialists as well.

Contact Sales

To get a comprehensive overview of your opportunities at JKS, you can contact our central sales team. They are knowledgeable about all facets of JKS and are accustomed to working with larger companies that span multiple locations and professional groups.

You can reach the sales team directly at +45 96 750 799, or you can send us an email at kunde@jks.dk

Our employees

Anja Milacic

Ansvarsområde: Region Sjælland

Helle Baltser Mortensen

Ansvarsområde: Region Nordjylland

Sussie Rasmussen

Ansvarsområde: Sjælland, Lolland og Falster.

Heidi Maria Køstner

Key Account Manager
Ansvarsområde: Sydjylland og Fyn

Kenneth Barslund

Business Development Manager

Christine Priess Chisholm


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