Strong temporary staffing solutions for Danish business

In a changing world, we need flexibility and easy access to skilled labour. At JKS, we create strong temporary staffing solutions that increase the competitiveness of your organisation – and we have done so for more than 25 years. 

Globalisation, digitalisation and demographic trends are changing the world at a pace rarely seen before. This presents new opportunities for businesses, but change also brings new demands and challenges – not least when it comes to staffing. 

With JKS, you get a local and national partner that provides easy access to qualified temporary workers. Through interviews, tests and references, we ensure that the temporary workers and temporary staffing solutions always match your needs. 

As Denmark's largest staffing agency, we are also able to advise you on what is best for your organisation. We give you the overview. For example, is now the time to scale up or down? Do you need to bring other competences into play, or does it make more sense to have people employed in-house? For us, the goal is to ensure that you always have the most flexible and therefore most competitive conditions at the right time. 

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Why you should choose JKS

We free up time and resources

With a temporary staffing solution from JKS, you will free up time and resources in your organisation. We take care of all the practicalities – payroll, holiday pay, etc. – and ensure that you have the manpower you need from day to day. 

We provide quick access to skilled temporary workers

We have Denmark's largest number of temporary workers across industries, and thanks to our set-up, we can quickly scale up and down and ensure that you get the right skills in the right numbers. 

Increasing competitiveness with flexible labour

With branches across the country, we are always close to your organisation. We know what matters to you, and through our flexible solutions, we increase your competitiveness. 

Tailored solutions

Whatever your business, the solution has to make sense for you as a company. We have temporary staffing solutions for every industry, and these are always customised to your needs.

Hotel, catering and canteen
'Assistance' are our specialists in the recruitment of temporary workers and staff for hotels, restaurants and canteens – and Denmark's largest in the field.
JKS Transport
As the only major temporary employment agency in Denmark, we have the necessary licences to legally hire out temporary drivers – both for freight transport and for vans.
We know all industries
With more than 25 years of experience, there's hardly an industry we haven't provided temporary staffing and advice for. Tell our consultants in Sales about your specific needs and let's see what type of solution can increase your competitiveness.

Reach. Efficiency. Results.

At JKS, we take responsibility for ensuring that our temporary staffing solutions create tangible results for you as a company. 

In addition to our experience and personal advisory services, you get access to Denmark's largest recruitment platform, which includes strong, local SoMe profiles and the country's most qualified CV database with thousands of screened candidates.  

  • 1,864,039 is our average monthly reach on social media 
  • 35,554 new CVs in our database per year 
  • 24,686 interviews with temporary agency workers in the last year 
  • 18,912 temporary workers in jobs per year 
  • 3,412 temporary workers are recruited into permanent positions with our clients every year 

We have the most satisfied temporary workers in Denmark

Our temporary workers are not "just" temporary workers. They are JKS'ers and an essential part of our daily lives.  

They must be happy to go to work. Because that is what creates the motivation that ensures that you get an employee who can contribute and create value.  

That's why we are happy and proud that:  

  • 90% of our temporary workers would recommend JKS to friends and acquaintances 
  • 80% of our agency workers think JKS is better than other agencies they have worked with 

Want to learn more?

We are always ready for a casual chat about how a temporary staffing solution can create flexibility and value for your organisation. 

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